Tanning: Chrome-free and Metal-free

Main Features

Chrome-free tanning represents an eco-friendly alternative to traditional leather treatment, avoiding the use of harmful substances such as hexavalent chromium. This method, also known as chrome-free tanning, is committed to reducing environmental impact and safeguarding human health. By eliminating or significantly reducing hexavalent chromium, chrome-free tanning adopts safe alternatives such as aluminum salts, synthetic polymers, or vegetable tannins. This not only reduces heavy metal pollution but also protects workers and consumers. Similarly, metal-free tanning expands on this idea by eliminating all heavy metals used in tanning. In addition to protecting the environment, this practice improves leather quality, promoting more sustainable and responsible production.
Explore our range of chrome-free and heavy metal-free tanned products:

  • Leonardo String
  • Leonardo

Chrome-Free Tanning

Chrome-free tanning emerges as a sustainable alternative to the traditional leather treatment with toxic chromium. Also known as chrome-free tanning, this method directly addresses the need to reduce environmental impact and protect human health. While hexavalent chromium has historically been used to impart leather with strength and durability, its toxicity has raised significant concerns.

Chrome-free tanning stands out for its innovative approach, which eliminates or significantly reduces the use of hexavalent chromium in tanning processes. This methodology adopts safer and more sustainable alternatives, such as aluminum salts, synthetic polymers, or vegetable tannins. This transition not only protects the environment by reducing heavy metal pollution but also contributes to ensuring the health and safety of workers and consumers.

The increasing adoption of chrome-free tanning reflects a growing awareness of the need for more sustainable industrial practices. This innovative technology offers an opportunity for the leather industry to adapt to environmental changes and consumer demands, providing high-quality products that respect the environment and public health.

Metal-Free Tanning

Tanning is a fundamental process for transforming hides into durable leather. However, the use of tanning metals in traditional processes has raised concerns for the environment and human health. To address these issues, the solution of metal-free tanning has emerged, revolutionizing the tanning sector.

Metal-free tanning, as defined by the UNI EN 15987:2023 standard, requires that the sum of the concentrations of all tanning metals on the tanned leather be less than or equal to 0.1% of the total weight of the dry leather.

The benefits of metal-free tanning are manifold. Firstly, it has a reduced environmental impact compared to traditional tanning since it does not use tanning metals harmful to the environment. This helps reduce the risk of water and soil pollution and improves the biodegradability of leather. Furthermore, it is safer for human health, reducing the risk of exposure to heavy metals for tannery workers and leather product users.

Metal-free tanning enables the production of high-quality leather, thanks to technological advancements that allow for the development of new chemicals and processes. Despite the numerous advantages, its widespread adoption presents challenges, such as the adaptation of existing tanning infrastructures. However, it also offers exciting opportunities, meeting the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products. Its widespread adoption requires collaborative efforts among manufacturers, institutions, and consumers to ensure a transition to a more sustainable leather future.

Differences between Chrome-Free and Metal-Free Tanning

Chrome-free tanning and metal-free tanning are two similar but distinct approaches to leather treatment. Both aim to reduce or eliminate the use of heavy metals such as hexavalent chromium, but there are fundamental differences between the two.

Chrome-free tanning primarily focuses on eliminating hexavalent chromium, known for its potential health and environmental risks. This is replaced with safer alternatives such as aluminum salts, synthetic polymers, or vegetable tannins. This method is particularly important for reducing negative impacts on human health and the ecosystem.

On the other hand, metal-free tanning is a broader concept that involves the elimination of all heavy metals from the tanning process. In addition to chromium, other metals such as copper and zinc are eliminated or minimized. This approach aims to reduce pollution and improve the sustainability of the entire leather processing process.

While chrome-free tanning specifically targets the elimination of hexavalent chromium, metal-free tanning focuses on removing all heavy metals used in the tanning process, offering a more comprehensive solution for safer and more sustainable leather production.